What am I doing NOW? 1
Currently I work as Pharmacy Manager in one of Polish pharmacies. I manage team of 7 people.
- After hours I am learning Swift language for iOS development. I use great resources by Paul Hudson from Hacking with Swift (100 days of Hacking with Swift) and his awesome books.
- I have released my second iOS app to the Apple App Store - Code Conf
I have released two open source Swift libraries - TwitterText and UnicodeURL
- I try to play some squash with my wife and swim at least few times a month.
Why /now?
From time to time people followed on Twitter have been adding their /now pages to their timeline to inform about their current goals and interests. I have learned a bit about this movement and found http://nownownow.com page and Derek Sivers page http://sivers.org/nowff which describes /now philosophy in more details.
Published on: 2019-09-01 16:35
Last updated on: 2019-09-01 16:35
This footnote has some attributes. ↩